Now that Ezra has his own blog, I get to add my two cents to mom's blog. hee hee Here are some highlights of our summer road trip from my point of view - Emma Leana Tui. :)

Here's little ''Lukey'' on my lap. :) I loved baby sitting him while we were in AZ at Donna's home.

Awwwww! He fell asleep!

I can do a handstand on the water! :0

There was a rattle snake right out Aunt Donna's door!

''The GRAND Canyon''!

One of the many days we went swimming, my mom would make us do crazy jumps for the camera! :)

Now this was a fun day. Brooklyn's neighbors invited us to their house to play on this big water blow-up thingy!

These are the Doxey girls, AKA, my best friends. We went to visit them on our trip to Utah. It was nice to see them again! They left us in Texas all alone. Boo hoo.

This is one of the Doxey's cats. Grandma, don't you think she looks a little bit like O'malley?

We also got to feed Nonnie, their neighbor's horse! She was very gentle.

Stilts! These might look easy, but I'm telling you, IT IS NOT AS EASY AS YOU THINK! (it was fun though)! :) This was at "This is the Place" monument park in Utah.

Tubing, tubing, tubing...... IT IS THE FUNNEST THING IN THE WORLD! I am so glad I tried it or I would have been missing out on some SERIOUS FUN! Willard Bay, Utah.

The reason Brooklyn has a bag in her hand is because there were hundreds and hundreds of minnow's swimming through our feet and legs. That was probably my funnest day in Utah!

Okay, I have to admit, this was pretty fun too! Me and Brooklyn would start our swings at the same time so we could jump off at the same time. We had some CRAZY fun that evening! Debbie's home in South Jordan, UT.

Here we are, all ready getting to watch a movie on our looooooooooong ride. We would've had two DVD players, but one we borrowed wouldn't work. That was a bummer. Good thing the one we bought worked.