Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Day at the park
Spring break March '10 brought some beautiful weather with it here in Texas. We decided this would be a great day for a picnic up at Kid's Kastle in Highland Village. Mom, recognize the basket? We try to put it to good use. Capri Suns, string cheese, pretzels, PB & Honey sandwiches, grapes & lots of water - can it get any better?
Eli's 1st Grade Program & Komi's Marathon - 2 more milestones in the Tui Fandamily
Eli did a great job of singing during his 1st grade program for the parents.
February 16th
I'll never get bored of these cute programs. Can't believe I have only one 1st grade program left to watch next year with Eva. GULP!

February 27th, 2010.
Ez patiently waiting to cheer for his dad as he crosses the finish line. Can't you just feel his excitement - hee hee.
At this point, Eli and Eva were so bored from waiting! (their dad had a hang up with major leg cramps at mile 18 which put him at the finish line 1 1/2 hours after we expected him there) They were real troopers to hang in there.
Yeahhhhhhh - here he comes!

This was Em's creation this year. It looks just like her yellow locker at school. Pretty cute.
Eli was pretty pround of his Lego box. We wrapped it up in old lego magazines. Then he taped some lego creations he made. The boys in his class went kookoo over it. Fun!
Eva loves stickers - can you tell? She put on every sticker she got for valentines on this shirt.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
My OWN babysitting job! (and it's not for my siblings)
Emma here! Sorry I haven't blogged for awhile. I've been busy. Okay, so this time, I'll be telling you about my babysitting job. I babysit for the Rebers, a family in my church. They have three sweet girls: Ella 4 yrs, Kayla 3 yrs, Dessie 9, 10, or 11 months(I can't keep track)! I babysit every Thursday and this is usally how it goes: I get there at 3:30pm and go upstairs to watch the kids while their mom teaches piano lessons. Sis. Reber always puts Dessie down for her nap right before I come. When I get upstairs, Ella and Kayla are watching T.V. After their favorite show, 'Martha speaks', we like to play games such as Candy Land, Bingo, the Oreo game, and the My Little Pony Matching game. After that, it's about 4:30 and the girls are hungry, so I go and get them a snack along with some milk in their favorite sippy-cups. Then we play some more games. At around 5:30, Dessie wakes up. I take her out of her crib and put her down on her blanket with some toys. Then at 6:00, it's time for her bottle. She almost always drinks every last drop of her formula. Now it's 6:15 and the girls are watching Babar. At 6:30 Sis.Reber comes upstairs and takes the girls. It's time for me to go, and Sis.Reber pays me every other Thursday. I get four dollars an hour, which equals up to twelve dollars a day. I am so lucky I have this babysitting job! Have a super spring break!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snowing AGAIN???
Can you believe we're getting snow - AGAIN - and in Texas? CRAZY! We definitely don't mind it, though. The kids have had 2 days of fun in the cold stuff so far, and I have 4 more loads of laundry to wash. I think this is even more than we ever got in Oregon when we lived there. Oh well, we're just drinking lots of hot cocoa, snuggling up in our robes/slippers, and enjoying it while it lasts!
Another 5 year old Tui
Daddy has been giving Eva his change lately. She realized she was getting rich, so she had to spend it. She asked if we could go to the dollar store. Here she is ready to go with her purse Grams H. gave her for Christmas.
Eva's our party queen
New Year's Eve
We were bored, so we went to the mall on New Year's Eve. The kids wanted to bungee jump for some excitement. Looks like fun, ay?
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