Hi everybody! It's me, Ez, and I just hacked my way into mom's blog! YAY! Anyway, I'm here to give you the scoop on me, myself and I. I'm eleven right now (I'm sure mom told you that before, right?). I'm in sixth grade, have a lot of friends (two, to be exact.-_-), and I'm trying out theatre. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I have a girlfriend! She seems to shine with beauty, I loooove to push her buttons (if you know what I mean, hehehe), and I hang out with her every night past curfew. She never does anything I don't want her to do. She obeys my every command. My friends are all jealous , and her initials are N. D. S. You wanna know her name? Her name is...
Nintendo DS! That's right, folks, I'm in love with my DS! That's why I barely know how to ride a bike, skate, or climb a tree. I hardly see the light of day. I feel like a bit of a vampire- just call me Edward. Oops, I think I hear Bella knockin' at the door. See ya!
Hi Ez, I was thinking after reading your blog, how come I did not know about your girlfriend? And I was there for 4 weeks! Then I got it. I guess Emma isn't the only one with an immagination. I miss you, but will see you on Thursday. Love, Grandma
ReplyDeleteI hope you are all enjoying AZ! I am so jealous. I wish we could have made it there for Christmas, too. I sure miss all of you!
ReplyDeleteToo funny, Ezra. Maybe you should keep it up and tell us more entertaining stories....about your family!