Thursday, October 30, 2008

Congrats, Hanchetts!

Yeah - Congratulations to Donna and her tribe in Arizona. I asked the kids which name they like, Caleb or Luke. Of course, if you know us at all, it's a given that Luke was the hands down winner. My Star Wars fanatics had no other choice! We can't wait to see you and the little one in December. Love ya and God bless!
May the force be with you! tee hee

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What am I doing?

Okay - so I can't be shown up by ya'll. I'm sitting here at 11:25pm wondering why I am doing this. Guess it's peer, or should I say family pressure, that makes me give in to the whole blogging movement. I've been anti-blogging up until now. Too much other stuff to get done. I guess I'm a sucker, though. Now I will have to make sure I keep updating it and not let this site sit and gather cobwebs. It is October, however, so that might look pretty neat. hee hee

Anyhow, all is well on the Tui front. We're not into tornado season quite yet, so I am mentally doing just fine. That will change in the early spring. Yes, I hate living in tornado alley, but that's another story.

We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of Grams & Gramps Horscroft in November for Thanksgiving. Emma can hardly stand it and keeps reminding me of how many days there are until Thanksgiving.

We're also looking forward to heading to Arizona for Christmas. I hope you Arizona folk are ready for the Tui clan. We're thankful to have family willing to put up with us for 2 weeks.