Friday, February 4, 2011

Love is in the air

I noticed the first week of school that Eli was taking his job as big brother and protecter pretty seriously. As he and Eva would walk home, Eli would hold Eva's hand. It brought tears to my eyes when I first saw it. (sappy, I can't help it) Then I noticed they would let go of each others hands as soon as they saw me watching them. So I had to be sneaky one day and get some shots w/out them noticing.

They had dropped each other's hand just before I could get another shot, so I made them pose for me in this one or I wouldn't give them a ride home.
Eva decorated this birthday card for a friend and took such a long time. She was so proud of it. We had to get a photo.
September 2010


  1. And you should be proud of it. That card is great. EXCELLENT WORK, Eva!

  2. Your kids are so sweet, and tell Emma that's a lot of great decorating she did on that card! It looks wonderful!

  3. That is so sweet! I love your cute stories.

  4. love it, love it, love it!
